Friday, October 3, 2008


Well, this is a first one for me. Jess normally posts everything, but as I have some interesting news, she insists that I add a blog of my own. I work at Convergys in Pocatello, a call center working for Directv. I have been there for just over 4 years. I recently applied for a job as a TL, or teamleader, with the company. Much to my surprise, I got it! Not too much surprise, honestly I think I am better suited to the position than some other people that I can think of. Will not mention names there, but you know what I mean. It is only a temporary job at this point, so I have to rock it out to make it a permanent spot. The other guys that got the job wth me have a little bit of a headstart, since they were on a coaching team during a time of the day that allowed for pulling people off the phone. I was on the phones for the whole time except when I was in class. But, they do not take into account that I am more stubborn than they are, and though it may take me longer to grasp a concept, I will figure it out and learn how to make it work for me! That's just how I roll! I could not help it. Had to say it. Now, where this is my first blog post, not too much else is going in here. Wait until I remember to email all my other stuff home! Mwuah ha ha ha ha !!!!


DAN said...

Congrats and Happy Birthday Dave! I hope the job goes from Temporary to permanent.

Chrystal said...

Congratulations!! Sorry we missed your birthday.