Friday I decided that Merlyn's hair was getting long enough to where he needed a shave. To top it all off, where his wound was, was stained from the meds used to flush his wound, so I wanted to get rid of that part too. I started to shave him on Friday, but never finished because I had other things to get done and he needed a break. Yesterday rolls along, and I think "hhmmm, maybe I should finish him off....." so I pull out the clippers after helping Mom and Dad with the Single Adult Luncheon at the church.
While I was finishe him up, I thought it'd be fun to see about giving him a Mohawk. I began to shave the hair away from his ears to the middle of his head, and above his eyes. To my disappointment, it didn't work very well because of the natural part that he has on his head. Then I got to thinking, could I possibly get away with Dying his hair?? I got online during one of my "shaving breaks" and typed in Dyes for Dogs. There were some that had to be purchased for $20 and could cause problems for the dogs, so then I found one about Kool Aid. I read the instructions, thought "hey, this could be easy" and then picked up a few packets and a spray bottle. I had a choice between Purple (Grape) or Red (Fruit Punch) and was disappointed that they didn't have any blue. When I got home, Dave and I decided to run with the Grape. I gave Merlyn a bath, then sprayed down his topknot with the Kool Aide (mental note, when doing this, BE SURE TO USE RUBBER GLOVES!!)
His hair looked grey, and I thought, that'd be cool too, but after it dried, and had time to take to his hair, it turned out to be a faint Lavender color. Looking at it, I'm thinking of adding more, to see if his hair will go a more darker Lavender, so this photo, is going to be a picture of his dye job a work in progress. Let me know what you think. Maybe next time I'll try the Fruit Punch....