Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Weekend From HELL

So this past weekend we thought we'd work on our friendship with Lee and Janelle, so we went camping to Willow Flat (outside of Preston)with them. It was beautiful up there, no cell phone service, our tent was right on the riverbank, and it felt good to be surrounded by nature. The biggest problem was the SERIOUS lack of communication between everyone. Because of this, nobody really had any fun, except for Kaitlynn. By the end of the trip we've pretty well established that we're NEVER going camping together again. I don't know if that will chance, it all depends on the direction of the friendship, and if we can work it all out, but right now we're taking a break.

While we were there, we took a little Nature hike, Mason was supposed to be on a leash at all times, but I don't like to follow the rules so he was not on it once we passed all the campsites. As you can see, he had a ball playing in the River. We forgot a few things, and went to talk to the camp host about borrowing what we needed, when we got there, we found that he'd placed Humming Bird feeders on his trailer, they swarmed around them, and it was wonderful to be so close to them, Kaitlynn loved it.

Going to Willow Flat made me want to go camping again, just Dave and I, and if we can pull it off, it will be as soon as we can. It was so stress free while I was there, at least from the situation with the house and what not. I think if we go together as a couple, it will draw us much closer together. We'll have to see what the future brings. Well, I should go, it's looking like a nasty storm coming in so I should shut the computer down.

1 comment:

DAN said...

Sorry to hear your weekend stunk. At least you were able to pull some good times out of it. Hopefully you and david can go out again before the weather turns. I hope all works out well with your living arrangements. Just remember that the lord helps if you ask. Love ya sis.