We then took a walk around the block, and when we got home, Dave fixed lunch for he and I. Then we were given the opportunity to watch Layla while Michael and Shauna went to a ball game in Idaho Falls. We took the girls to COSTCO for samples, then to McKees, and Fred Meyer. When we got home, we worked with Layla on her walking, and tried to include a jealous Kaitlynn. Just before Kaitlynn's parents came to pick her up, I got a text from Shauna asking if I'd be ok with watching Layla over night, that their friends wanted to hang out with them. Knowing that it's not a regular basis, and that it's safer for them and for Layla, I agreed to it. I set up a make-shift bed for her on the floor as I don't like her sleeping in the car seat all night, and refuse to have her sleep with us.
I lied her down on the "bed" and then came up to work on my blog. When I went downstairs for something, I found a cute sight and couldn't resist taking a few pictures. This is what I found:
I make a big deal of this picture because for those of you who don't know Merlyn, and haven't met him, he's extremely shy and skittish. The only child I've really seen him taken to is Kaitlynn. He usually has nothing to do with any of the other children, so it took me by surprise when I found him right next to Layla. I must say that in the whole 4 1/2yrs I've had him, he's mad a LOT of improvement. Good boy Merlyn!!