Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Joys Of Corporate Politics

Well, Dave had an interview for Part Time Trainer a few days ago. I am VERY unhappy to say that he did not get the job. What makes me really angry about it is that he lost it to a person who'd been working there for only a few months, and is full of CRAP. This person he lost it to was Dave Dixon, Heidi's husband. Dave can't understand why they went that way, but we both agree it was a grave mistake.
Those of you who know Dave Dixon, can agree that he's not good at any job he does, and is as useless as useless can be. We have had the pleasure of having Jacob (David's Brother) and his wife and kids the last few days. We really enjoy their company and though it was a tight fit, sad to see them head home. I wish he'd visit his family more often, or at least talk to them on a regular basis. We hope they can come back again soon. I need to get, things to do and not enough time to do them in.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Sorry to hear about Davids missed opportunity. Keep trying though something better will show up. I thought David Dixon was a butcher in Downey? I guess on the bright side - your husband can apply in a few months when David Dixon moves on to greener pastures. - Dan