Monday, May 26, 2008

Our House

So we've been trying to see if we qualify for another mortgage loan through a friend of mine. It is so we can sell our house and buy my Grandmother's (with any luck). I got notification this last weekend that we were denied-as to be expected. The fun part is though nobody really thinks we can get it, I'm not going to give up. I've started working on our house to make it a little more presentable so we can see how much we can list it for. I guess a lot of my determination is coming from people telling me "Good Luck" or "You can give it a try but I doubt you'll get it." I like a good challenge, that's why I married Dave (wink) and I want more than anything to prove everyone wrong.

Other than that, the kittens are growing well. They're fat, healthy, and almost ready to wander around and explore outside. I'm sure Piper would love to go back out and get fresh air away from her babies. I've already got a home for one of them, and look forward to watching them grow even more this summer. As for the other cats, Willow, Luna, and Jeriko are all sick. They've got Upper Respiratory Virus. Luna sounds like hers is the worse, and if she doesn't get better soon, I may have to take her to the vet. On the upside, I've discovered that the Humane Society will pay for the visit, I'm sure there's a catch but I haven't found it yet.

I can't wait to get back into my scrapbooking, thanks to Chrystal I have some fun programs to play around with and look forward to improving my skills. I've spent a lot of time evaluating my life and am working on making changes, we'll see how that works out for me. I've gotta run now, I will keep you posted with the pursuit of my Grandmother's house.


Chrystal said...

I want to send you a very sincere Good Luck! I hope you get the house!

DAN said...

FABOLUS BLOG DESIGN!! Love ya sis, my only question is - was Dave really the challenge or are you :)

I like reading about you on your blog.