Monday, February 2, 2009

Quality Time

Today I had all three kids at the same time. Before Colby and Layla arrived, I took the liberty to print out some color pages for them. Knowing Colby is a big Spiderman fan, I found one that I thought he'd like, and let him pick out a few more pages once he got here. As you can see, it went over quite well. It kept them entertained, and while they were coloring, we tried to teach some of the colors to Kaitlynn.


fivelive said...

do you get those from the internet or do you copy them from coloring books I need more coloring pages for nap time to keep the older kids ocupide

Jessica said...

I just typed in Free Color pages on the internet. The site I got it from is and they LOVE them.

fivelive said...

thanks:) I love you back ground by the way...