Friday, August 7, 2009


As you know, lately I've been going through old photos, and feeling a little "nostalgic". Looking at todays' photo, I got to thinking of how I wish I could experience it all over again, to go back to my childhood when I didn't have a care in the world. This photo was taken when I was a year old. I look at the smile that I had in that photo and began to realize, I don't smile much anymore, why could that be??

It's funny how, when you're a little kid, you can't wait to grow up and do things that adults can do, thinking your life would be so much better. Then, when you're older, you want to shed all responsibilities and get back to your childhood. I know this isn't true for everyone, but I have a lot of those days. Anyway, this is today's Photo of the Day. Until further notice, this'll be the last entery in my blog as we've had the computer restricted from use. If you need to contact me, please call me.

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